Tuesday, October 20, 2015

treasured moments

treasured moments

treasured moments
and memories
stored in my heart

i sit here,
very early this morning;
after just returning from
visiting our family in
yes, the time change
has made me wide awake

at 3 am!

i quietly woke and grabbed
a very long, hot shower.
washing away the dregs from
a thirteen hour flight.

now i sit
and take time to
all the wonderful
nightly bedtime book reading,
zoo trips,
museum excursions,
river boat rides,
long scenic walks,
good talks,
new tattoos,
our grandson's dedication,
first birthday celebrations
and more love
than i can ever, ever measure...
all stored up
to treasure
in my heart!

this trip
meant more to me
than anyone really knows!

i had desperately wanted
to go visit
as soon as my daughter
announced she was pregnant with
their second child.

oh, the yearning
and desire in my heart;

it couldn't be quelled by
anything but,
hopping on an airplane
and seeing this sweet family.

it took almost a WHOLE year to do it
but, oh how happy it made me!

pure tears of joy!

the beauty of the city of vienna...
was absolutely breathtaking!

but, more than any 'THING'
in the world,
more than any one 'THING'
that mere money
can buy, (other than a plane ticket!)
was just spending time
with two of my favorite boys
and their parents!

i plan to savor these moments.

i plan to go through my photos of the last
two weeks
revisiting the time spent.
storing as much as i can
in my heart.

savoring these treasured moments.
these treasured memories,

that made my heart



We do not remember days; we remember moments. ~Cesare Pavese

What greater blessing to give thanks for at a family gathering than the family and the gathering. ~Robert Brault

The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family. ~Thomas Jefferson



T. Powell Coltrin said...

Ohhh, I really like this. So beautiful.

Laurel said...

I'm so glad that you had a WONDERFUL visit with your sweet family in Austria. Did Mark go with you, or did you go alone this time?

Unknown said...

Yes, Mark went with me!!!