Monday, April 14, 2014


this last weekend was quite the jam-packed one,
i can tell you that!

my mother in law turned 90 on April 10!

a few of us decided to throw an open house
for her; inviting the community and it was
quite the day!
(my husbands sisters and families
came and stayed with us for the weekend, too)

there were people from all over
who came to wish her a happy day
and it was so nice to see her enjoying herself too!

it was a beautiful day and with teamwork from
some of my husbands siblings we put on
a wonderful affair that i think my mom in law
will treasure. :)
me with my mom in law and hubs

i was pretty tired that evening after cleaning up
the church where we had the open house...
i really wanted to crawl in a corner and take a nap. ha.
but, family was here from oregon and we stayed up
pretty late; even though we all knew i had a BIG day
the following morning. :)

you see, i woke up the next morning at 6
and was out the door by 7 to meet up
with some of my best friends from high school
(yes, H.S. was a VERY LONG time ago)
but, there are a few of us that have kept in VERY close contact
and we decided we were going to do a HALF Marathon together!
We met at one of the parents places, a block from the starting line
and we walked to the event.
We did the 13.1 mile marathon (we all walked it) and we had such
an amazing time, laughing and visiting...
we ALL are excited and
cannot wait to do it together again!

after finishing the race, we all walked to a restaurant
approx. one mile away from our cars and then we all
walked back to our cars again after lunch! LOL

i was pumped and still full of energy! (skipping part of the way to
the restaurant!) still laughing and giggling all the way there and back! :)

4 out of  6 of our YA-YAs
 participated in and finished
the 13.1 miles! 
we are YaYa- STRONG!
missing 2 of the YaYa friends
who had other commitments.
but, we will get them NEXT time!!

this morning, i woke up fully intending to take the day off;
maybe work in my yard and read...but i woke to a beautiful
sunshiny day (which we don't get a LOT of here in the PNW)
so, i donned my gear and headed outside.
i wanted to enjoy the sunshine and just stretch those muscles a bit
but, i wound up power-walking well over four miles. ha!

so the past weekend was quite the busy one!
we accomplished a lot as well-
family visits along with all of us putting on a huge Open House!

then finishing off the busy weekend by walking in a
half marathon with my YaYa friends!

beautiful. life. is. just. beautiful.
and i am thankful.
oh, so thankful.


1 comment:

Linda said...

What an amazing weekend!!! Good for you in all that you did! Celebrations of all kind going on with you!
Our Texas spring turned back to winter cold today - so we are hibernating!