Thursday, April 17, 2014

what i learned?

i am participating in a photo challenge
on instagram...
today it was: what i learned.

as i was getting ready for the day
and putting on my makeup
and doing my hair,
what popped into my head
as something i learned?

well, it was cancer!
truly it was a blessing,
in all the worry of my mortality
scared nights &
sick days
along with hair loss....
i learned some valuable lessons!

Photo Challenge: Something I learned.--- I have learned many things over the years; after 34 years of marriage and raising a family, I realized how important family, commitment and LOVE was! But really? One of the most important things I ever learned?? Having cancer! I learned how precious life was, how I wanted to treasure each moment, be in the present, to smile and be thankful, show my loved ones how much I care, to not take anyone for granted, to be grateful for my blessings, to see beauty EVERY single day... because it is THERE if we choose to look AND I learned to never judge a book or a PERSON by their cover! What is on the INSIDE is where the strength and the true beauty are! Life is good and God is GREAT!

be blessed today my sweet friends!



Anna said...

Beautiful post! Keep "shining" friend! :)

Anna said...

Just wanted to invite you to:

If you get a chance, please stop by the blog today. I'm hosting a new blog hop, "Social Media on Saturday." Be sure to check it out! :)