Saturday, January 28, 2012

another year

today is just another day-

but, in my world...

it is a little bit special,
i am a bit partial 
to jan 28th...

it is my birthday-

and although this means 
i am another year older...
 the lines on my face
and the little grey hairs
on my head
all seem to be multiplying 
it is my day.

a day 
that usually means 
it feels just a bit brighter
and lovelier...

oh yes,
maybe even a bit of spoilin'

a nice dinner
& hopefully some
chocolate cake! ;)

although first thing i will be doing
will be heading to church to attend
a funeral for a dear, sweet man
from our church
is no longer in pain...
i will be saying goodbye until we meet again

then in the evening...
i will be going out to a nice steak dinner-

i am so very grateful for another year 
and so
very thankful for all my 

another year?
i hope this will be the year
to show more kindness,
to freely give of myself,
& 'walk my talk'
to never pass up an opportunity
to let my family and friends know
how much i love them...

may you be blessed with a sweet saturday
filled with all things lovely!



Southhamsdarling said...

May I wish you a very happy and shiny birthday my friend. Enjoy your special day. Like you, when my birthday comes around, I am always so grateful for the blessing of another year. Hugs.

Betsy Brock said...

I hope you have a wonderful birthday. Steak and cake...perfect! :)

Thoughts for the day said...

I am making a homemade chocolate cake today too, I will enjoy a piece and wish you a 'happy birthday' between the miles.

Buttercup said...

Happy, happy birthday and wishes for many more years to celebrate!

Lucy The Valiant said...

Happy birthday! I hope your day is as wonderful as you are!

Anonymous said...

You shoudl always, ALWAYS love your birthday!

Happy Birthday!

Jen said...

Happy Birthday; enjoy your celebration!

Shawn said...

Happy Birthday, enjoy your special birthday dinner!

Outside Looking In said...

Happy Birthday a day late! I hope you had a wonderful day and got to enjoy you!!

Of One Heart said...

Happy Birthday, darling Melody! You deserve all the happiness in the world!

TexaGermaFinlaNadian said...

A very happy birthday to you, my sweet blogger friend. Wishing you nothing but the best and a great start to another year :)

songbyrdonthemountain said...

Although I left you a greeting on your facebook page, I just had to say again, Happy Birthday! the world is definitely a better, brighter place because you are in it!

Laurel said...

Happy Birthday, sweet friend.

I, too, enjoyed a nice birthday steak dinner this week. My hubby took me up to Canada.

Looks like it's time for us to go out for our Birthday Coffee Date. Let me know what works for you this week.


Laurel :)

Patty said...

I hope you enjoyed a wonderful, wonderful birthday and wish you many more, very special, days!

gee said...

Happy Happy Birthday!!! <3
it is a wonderful day..i was born on Jan 28th as well. ;)