Thursday, January 1, 2015

happy new year

just a simple wish.
that you would have a wonderful and blessed new year.
that 2015 would be good to you.

my word of the year: compassion.

with the family moving my mom in law
into a rest home---
my word was easy this year: compassion.

to show more compassion and love.

my mom in law doesn't recognize me a lot of the time
but, she knows i love her.
i tell her every time we visit.

she might not remember who i am
but, she knows she is loved.

i want to show more compassion
to her and to her sons/daughters
who are going through this scary and sad time.

just loving on her
so she knows she is cared about.
spending time with her.
cherishing sweet moments
with her.

that is what my goal is for this year.

shining my light.
loving others.

there is hope & a future. -jer. 29:11

peace and blessing to you and yours
this 2015.


1 comment:

Anna said...

Love this! I hope you are enjoying the new year.

My word this year is FOCUS. I want to make sure that I keep my FOCUS on the things that truly matter and less on needless worrying.