Friday, March 7, 2014

this weekend

2014 Reading Challenge
You have read 11 of 50 books
2 books ahead of schedule

my reading challenge stats

kind of fun to
keep of track
of how many books
i actually consume. ;)

what are you reading
this weekend?

well, i read
heaven is for real
by: todd burpo;
in less than two days
and have moved on to
one of my murder mysteries
from my favorite:
james patterson.

sleeping in
going for a short walk
and a book.
that is what this
looks like!
how about you?



songbyrdonthemountain said...

my Saturday? blogging and primping in anticipation of the celebration party B & I will attend this evening for the completion of his work. Yay!!

Sweet Tea said...

Hair color day for me. Then dinner out with the family while dodging the rain.

dandelionfleur said...

I read a short story called, "The School"--interesting. Went on a hike, and then on tired legs, shopped for cotton batting and thread for baby's quilt. full day!