Thursday, July 12, 2012

thankful thursday

always just plain

for family, for friends,
for everything in my life-

oh yes, for it all-

i want to also thank you
one and all;
for the comments, emails,
thoughts & prayers...

if you are interested & would like to read
more about the accident
i have provided a link:

and a link to my blog post- in a blink

it is of course, hard for me to
read the article...
but will provide the link anyway.

as with everything else in 
my life; 
i am reminded that
God's timing is perfect.

we may not think the same way
and see things the same way
but, he doeth all things well
and in his time.

keep shining,


Sweet Tea said...

I couldn't agree with you more.
I share your thankful heart.

running4him said...

Super truuuuuue!))

Marianne (Mare) Baker Ball said...

So sorry for the loss of your young worker. That is a tragedy. And certainly a reminder of how short life is. Only God is in control. Peace to you and your family.