and drove the almost
two hours away
to the thousand trails preserve
we had three vehicles
loaded to the gills.
filled with family & food
ready for some fun!
we rented two cabins
one which was right
on the beach.
family time commenced
almost immediately! :)
beach combing
rock throwing
shuffle board
digging in the sand
and then in the evening
we ended it by
playing cards and 'spoons'
and laughing until we cried
we needed this as a family-
one last fun family get away
before my daughter, son in law
and precious three year old grandson
all move away to austria
for missionary work.
one last memory making weekend
to savor, store and treasure.
to wrap it up like a gift,
for us to open later
and remember all
the fun, family and love.
we will try to do a few
smaller things;
some hikes,
picnics in the park
a movie night-
but, this was a special weekend
for us all.
my eldest daughter with her little guy
jack with his auntie
(my youngest daughter)
the two cousins
happy monday
sweet friends-
may you treasure
your loved ones today
and always!

I know how exciting it must be for them to be going to Austria but I don't know how I would stand it! I might have to go with them! LOL I have a friend whose son lives all over Europe all the time so they use it as an excuse to travel and visit him. Maybe you'll get to go to Austria!
I think I am still in denial Pam! My husband and I are talking about visiting in a year. ;) Thank goodness we have skype!
Thank heavens for Sype!
You will miss them but I'm sure it will all work out and at least you have next year's visit to look forward too.
Ah, what sweetness. I turned my photos of our trip into a beautiful photo album with Shutterfly... amazing quality and its going to be something to treasure along with the memories. (sending it to the kiddos for Christmas!)
Sweet sweet post. I used Skype a lot when my daughter was in Scotland for a year. Not as good as reaching out and hugging her but better than not seeing her at all! Modern communication is amazing!
So glad you had a family fun weekend away.
Yes, Skype is amazing. I've had big kids live all over the world. Some of them were away before there was any such thing as Skype . . . and the occasional email was all we got. Now, we are so blessed to have Skype to chat with our kids on. (One daughter is currently living in Australia, while 3 live out-of-state.)
Laurel :)
Yes, I am very happy that we have such modern technology! When I was growing up we were away from all our extended family too. We had to sit and write to my grandma via 'snail mail' and call her long distance once in awhile. Now I look back on this and realize how hard this must have been on her!!
Wonderful family memories for all to cherish!
I can't wait to see your travel photos next year!! LOL!! That is, if you wait that long!!
Oh, I think we will have to wait that long unfortunately. :( With milk prices down for us here on the farm, we will need to do some saving for a vacation fund! LOL
What a great weekend. I haven't played Spoons in forever! I can understand that these sweet days are bittersweet for you. You are wise to breathe it all in to savor. You have a beautiful family!!
I love family reunions - glad you had a nice one. sandie
oh so beautiful...why does the world need to be soooo BIG! we need family all the time!
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