our small town USA
the streets are lined
with flags
such an amazing sight
to see!
tomorrow is the local parade
and although i will
not be attending,
i love seeing the town
put so much effort into it
and to see the hometown spirit!
taken at last year's parade
tomorrow i will be
at a park celebrating my youngest
grandson's 2nd birthday,
instead of attending the
i cannot believe he is
already two years old
where in the world did
the time go?
today the weather is amazing!
a walk in the sunshine,
visits over coffee,
while sitting in the park...
a promise of going out to
a nice dinner with the husband,
makes for one fabulous day!
may you be blessed too
with a lovely weekend-
and join me in sharing your smile
dear friends, you never
know who might need one of your
special smiles to get them
through the day!

I have no idea where the time goes but, if I ever find it, I'm getting it back! LOL Such a lovely post- love the hometown/small town sentiment!
This parade could have been one from my hometown!! Only we would have had a John Deere, not a red IH. Otherwise, how wonderful!!
For a period of time, I grew up in a small town, and I loved it. Just can't beat those simple, heartfelt celebrations!
We spent about 8 hours at Birch Bay today.
Ahhh ... loving the long-awaited sunshine.
Mama read books while the children swam, flew a kite, played catch, and played soccer.
Wonderful day with my kids!
Glad you had a good one, too.
:) :) :)
Home town parades make me yearn for simpler times. happy birthday to your grandbaby, two already? I'm back from vacation, stop by my blog.
Thanks for the smile yes I did need it and then I passed it on :)) Wow 2 yrs. old already it is flying by for sure for you all ENJOY every precious moment!
:-). Small town Americana - I LOVE it!
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