Wednesday, June 20, 2012

seeing beauty

as i am driving home from town
i look out my car window and
it is just beautiful-

the sun is out and it is

i pull the car to the side
of the road like a 'tourist'
and take a picture-

i am trying not to take
the things like this
in my life, for granted!

seeing beauty today
and every day,
will you join me?



Sweet Tea said...

Wow! That is some beautiful countryside.
I don't have a view nearly as fine as yours but just seeing the sun shine each day and my flowers in bloom gives me the same thankful heart.

Laurel said...

We sure do live in a BEAUTIFUL part of the country!!! I never tire of driving through the farmland with the backdrop of snowcapped mountains.

And ... the SUNSHINE today . . . oh. my. yes.

:) :) :)

Linda said...

I would LOVE to see something like this on MY way home!! Thanks for sharing YOURS!!

Unknown said...

Absolutely stunning! I would be driving into the ditch all the time looking at this beauty.

C. McKane said...

Lovely picture and words. I love playing tourist in my neighborhood. It's so easy to take every day beauty for granted.

Visting from SITS!

c @

Kelsey Apley said...

What a beautiful view!! Sometimes when the world is quiet and getting a view of the country side makes life that much sweeter :-)

Empty Nester said...

Are those snow covered mountains in the background? Stunning! Everything looks so wholesome, clean, fresh---just perfect!

Unknown said...

Of course we would LOVE to join YOU! Thanks so much for linking to See Beautiful and sharing so many ways you're seeing beautiful today - as always.

Happy seeing beautiful!