Thursday, May 26, 2011

oh yes, score!

so before blogger went down awhile ago
and my computer caught an awful virus...
yes, before all of that-
i went on a shopping day with the daughter,
pure bliss...oh yeah- shopping therapy!

we bought lots of fun stuff for her
and of course while we were at it
mom scored some goodies too!

the yellow floral shoes are so fun to wear...we found them at urban outfitters, the bow-tie shoes i had been swooning over for sometime now, and then two jumpers are from forever 21. yeah, i know...i am not even close to 21-in fact NONE of my girls.are.21 (the baby turned 22 in april) but, that doesn't stop me from shopping there! LOL

more & more fun-
the hubs and i had both little grandsons
here on the fun!
i took them out on the RTV to see
gramps working in the field
and proceeded to take some cute pics of the two of them.

'little man's' barn sweatshirt was in the wash so he had to wear one of his aunties too big, ones. he didn't seem to mind as long as he can be outside 'on the farm'  he is a happy boy! 'little bit' was just happy as can be picking at the grass and enjoying the fresh air and of course, watching his big cousin is entertainment as well! :)
and then of course, 'little man' and cute is this face?

days & weeks like these
make life just oh yes,
i am thankful
watching the world
through the eyes of little ones
is a lesson in awe...they are always in awe
of every new little thing and even the smallest of things
can make them smile...may we all learn this simple lesson from
our little is great!

i will leave you with the awe inspiring quote of
my two year old grandson...
me; "look this is a bumble bee, we need to be careful because they have stingers and they can sting you"...'little man' leans in very close, watches the bee crawling along...and with that sweet voice says; "that is my frav-rit bug!" (yes, he said...FRAV-RIT) :)

have a wonderful day,


Bethany said...

Cute shoes! Love to find great shoes.

Bethe77 said...

Melody as always it is such a blessing to come and read all the happenings with you.
Love the grandchildren and had such fun with mine in Ca.
I love the too big sweat shirt just to cute!
Sounds like a perfect day to me.
Shopping therapy what a wonderful thing.
I love the floral shoes.
All are darling and will look so cute on you.

Thoughts for the day said...

I love the shoes, and outfits too.
I was upset when blogger went down and to think of it I got a virus on my computer too maybe it is connected?
Your little boys are adorable.

Rainbow said...

thank you for stopping by ;) I love your blog and it was such a head ache when blogger went down. If you haven't tried microsofts antivirus program it is the best and its FREE (here is the link

I am now following you and looking forward to reading your blogs.


Southhamsdarling said...

Yay! I'm not going to get too excited, but it looks as if I can post comments again. Phew! Those yellow shoes are really cute, and lovely that you had some retail therapy with your daughter. Those photos of the grandchildren are wonderful. They must love it to be on the farm. I know my little grandson would love that. Isn't it too cute the little things that they say. Such blessings!

songbyrdonthemountain said...

LOVE those shoes with the bows! Darling. LOVE all the grandkids pix. How fun!

OKinUK said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your grandboys are just presh!

Brooke said...

Cute shopping finds and adorable grandsons! :) Thanks for following my blog and for your sweet comment-it made my day!! I will definitely be visiting your blog again.

Shawn said...

Love the shoes and the Jumpers are so cute! The best are the pics of the kiddo's..they are too cute for words!

Unknown said...

I love the shoes!! And I bet a farm is a dream for a little boy! What great memories in the making:) Happy Friday!


Katie @ Chicken Noodle Gravy said...

I love those tops...adorable. And the quote from your grandson = <3

Unknown said...

lovely. i always think your posts and poems capture the essence of life. i feel like i'm there with you! <3

Simple Home said...

Your grandsons are adorable, and where did you get those cute bow tie shoes?
Enjoy your weekend!

b. lee said...

the yellow cloth flats are adorable & look so comfy! those little men of yours are sooo sweet * *

Nadia Jonker said...

Your shoes are so lovely! Nice! x

Laura said...

Visiting back from comment love Sunday (although I think I've been here before!). Your shopping finds are great and I adore the little cow boots on your bigger grandson. What a special day you had with them!

Anonymous said...

I love the shoes and jumpers - and we're only as old as we feel so I say forever 21 is a great place to shop.

by the way I found you by way of SITS - nice to meet you. I'm a new follower.
