Tuesday, May 17, 2011

oh dear, is it a sign?

first we had the fiasco with blogger last week and it was hard. then my computer said i had no more space and i put photos on my jump drive...and now, oh dear, my computer is frozen! i cannot get it to work...hubs is trying all his tricks to get it to work.:( thank goodness for my handy dandy smart phone!!!! i am hoping things work soon... have a lovely day. it is sunny here today...maybe i am suppose to be out in this gorgeous weather and not worrying about my computer or facebook & my blog? is it a sign? oh dear!


Ms. Blasé said...

So... this post was written via smart phone?! Whoa! I'm MEGA-impressed!! I guess that's because I'm so technologically-challenged.

Anyway, I just said a prayer that everything starts working again for ya!

In the meantime, have fun enjoying the wonderful weather where you are :0)


Jackie said...

I felt like it was a sign last week when Blogger crashed and I was hopelessly devoted checking every half hour! LIFE is a beautiful...enjoy it so you can share your adventure with us later!

Shawn said...

Oh my...are we getting the *evil eye* from some blogger monster? I have felt the same since the Blogger Crash, I have never had so much trouble with my computer!

Good luck, hope all is fixed soon.

Sinea said...

We all need to relax and trust that glitches can be fixed. Right? :)

Southhamsdarling said...

Perhaps Blogger going down last Friday was a sign to all of us who are addicted to it!! Telling us to get out and smell the roses! It is so frustrating when the computer goes down. Hope it gets fixed soon and, as you say, thank goodness for your phone!!!

Ross said...

I can't stand it when sites go down like that. It's one of the reasons that I switched to Wordpress. Smart phone to the rescue though! Sounds like you've been having nothing but lots of computer problems lately!

KT @ KT's Refinishing School said...

Ugh oh--I think you should enjoy some sunshine for a while and give that pesky ole computer a break :)

This will all be here when you get back!

TexaGermaFinlaNadian said...

Haha, I felt the same way. But then again was mad that I couldn't get on blogger or visit blogs. I guess you always want what you can't have! Enjoy the gorgeous day for us all :)

Shauna said...

Amazing you were blogging from your smart phone! Best of both worlds - outside AND blogging!