saturday the 5th my hubbie & i
had our 2 year old grandson here overnight
we decided to take in the local homeshow
which was pretty funny actually because,
who can concentrate on flowers, flooring and decks
when you have a two year old who spots
the 'blue tractors'...and of course the famous, green... john deere tractors!
he then wants to get on every. single. one. on. the. whole. lot.
it was cute...he steers the wheels, shifts the gears...oh my how sweet is he?
during the week he was here for the day...we played, built towers, danced
and his gramps and i
took him to dairy queen for a sundae!
towards the end of the week
here comes our younger grandson who is 8 months old now
and is crawling and pulling himself up on everything...he is such
a happy, smiling boy who has this awesome wavy hair
so being the granny i am...
i got out the gel and gave him a faux hawk! (because i cannot help myself, this is how i roll)
these two little guys
my grandsons, cousins by birth
bring me such joy
my heart swells beyond full
to the point that it will burst
with the love i have for these two
along with this we enjoyed
another date night...hubbie and i
took in 'kings speech' which i LOVED
had dinner and visited our youngest daughter
who lives in the neighboring town while attending the university
a family dinner here at the house
after church yesterday
where we ate until we could eat no more...
along with all this, my 3 girls and i all got smart phones!
we are discovering how much fun they truly are
even for this un-techie
may you enjoy this lovely monday
as we spring forward
the thing that i will concentrate on
is not losing that hour...
but, the word; spring
i am wanting, no craving... the sunshine
flowers, green grass...chirping birds...oh yes
craving SPRING
blessings to you. make it lovely.because life is lovely. because life is just so GOOD!

Cute! I love that hat on him.
I'm not sure I've seen anything as cute as those grandsons of yours! What a wonderful time you had with your blessings---all of them! You need to come down here- we've been in the 60s and 70s for 5 weeks and going into the 80s this week. Spring came early and it looks like summer is going to do the same darn thing. I went out to get started on preparing the raised beds for planting and started SWEATING! It's HOT down here! LOL
We did it again blog-sister! Writing about our grandkids on this Monday! boys and tractors are just about the cutest thing ever.
spring-- spring-- spring-- craving spring weather!! we can go for a walk again!!
Love....just love those sweet pictures!!
Too cute! I'm glad you stopped by my place, too! Believe it or not, I'm a former Washington State girl (Seattle to be exact) and oldest of three girls. small world, huh?
We do not lose the hour for another few weeks. You have very cute grandsons and must be so proud of them.
That hat on the oldest boy was cute as can be, while it looked like he was in heaven, around all the tractors(every little boys dream playground): and the hawk on the youngest, glad you took a pic! Watch out, you will soon learn that you can not live without a smart phone!
Oh, what cuties. Little guy sitting on the tractor with his hat..ADORABLE! Baby boy is precious with his faux Go, Granny!
Have a wonderful week!
BTW, I loved the Kings Speech.
i don't think there is more joy in ones life than children! they are the light of our lives! too cute! glad y'all got a date night! i wish we could!:) i still don't know how to use my phone so don't feel so bad! xo hope you are having a lovely week!
they are so sweet! i love, love, love that hat! :)
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