Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Each day is special

Lyn Gardener's home via design files

I read this blog post yesterday and felt like it was directed specifically for me!
Oh my...every day is a special day and we should treat it that way!
Why do we save the 'good' dishes for 'special' occasions? Why do we save the special things for visitors and not our family...what does that tell our family? Each day is a blessing, a treasure... lets live it!

Here is the full article...I love her blog and will be checking on it often!



Stacey @ The Blessed Nest said...

Oh, how sweet of you to link over to my post! I had just popped over here for a little visit & was pleasantly surprised! LOL! Hope that today is a wonderfully special day for you! :)

Mary Bergfeld said...

I really enjoy your blog. It is often inspirational and always interesting. I'll be back often to touch base with you. I hope you have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

Unknown said...

Stacey and Mary...thank you for the comments. I appreciate them!