with my husband,
a gentleman we both know very casually,
began to talk to us.
we touched on all those casual, superficial topics
and then hit on the subject of retirement.
he had just retired and my husband shared that
he is entertaining the thought of retiring from farming
in the next 3-5 years...
the gentleman asked my husband what he wanted to do
with his spare time, in which my hubs replied:
"i would love to go on some mission trips, but
my wife isn't really interested"
which then turned the focus on me...and what
i wanted to do.
replying that i felt that i didn't have to go to
a third world country to be able to be used by God.
yes, i know...i have children serving as
full-time missionaries overseas
and yes...i am SO proud of them and the
work they do for Jesus and His Kingdom!!!!
and i would be proud too, of my husband
if he does indeed pursue
this after retiring---
i just don't feel the calling.
God hasn't called me, 'yet'
in this area.
i told this man that i felt called to reach out
to hurting women in my community.
that i was a two time cancer survivor and
felt that this was an area that i could be used in
and to turn something that was so hard,
into something used for 'good'---
letting Him use me.
reaching out to those in my own community
who have lost someone or who are going through
it right now.
it is something i am passionate about.
i shared how sometimes people don't know what to
say or do to those who are hurting and so in turn
they are afraid and instead of reaching out
they recoil.
i told him how people should not to be afraid
to just smile, offer a hug.
you do not need any special words to say...
just offer
love. friendship.
let them know they are not alone.
we talked for a bit more and the gentleman left.
a divine appointment?
a few minutes later...in he walked again
to the coffee shop and right up to our cozy spot.
he said, he was about to drive away when he
thought of a wife/mom/grandma in his church
that is going through a pretty awful cancer diagnosis
and the family is having a hard time dealing with
this eventual loss.
would i be willing to contact her?
the family?
he gave me her name and phone number and left.
that evening i thought about calling her but,
decided to read the family's webpage first.-
i then chose to reach out to her daughter,
and in this way, to this hurting family.
i offered myself, to help with meals, my friendship
and anything else they may need...
most assuredly offering my prayers.
i am letting God lead me in this situation right now.
giving me the words and actions to help
when and where i can.
yes, we can be the feet and hands of God
here in our OWN community and ALSO in
countries that need to hear about
people need to know they are not alone
they are loved.
if we don't do it
who will?
have you heard the calling?
are you serving Him in your community?
or are you serving abroad?
are you letting Him use you?

We wrote such similar things today! I actually wrote mine last week though and they posted it on IF today, but isn't it funny how our posts were both published today and they're giving the same message, generally? God's pretty cool. :)
Good words. Thanks for sharing.
Right before popping over to your blog, I commented on a blog of a mother who lost a child in a car accident last December. I encouraged her to write a post about the best ways that friends helped after her loss; the best words that brought comfort. My young adult children have lost 3 young adult friends (plus 3 grandparents) in the past 6 months. As one of my friends lost her son last week, I am sometimes at a loss for words; and often wondering if another casserole in the freezer is really what they need.
I love missions. I am going to Guatemala in the spring. However, I also want the Lord to use me right here in my little farming community. Thanks for the encouragement.
It's a beautiful thing for you to be given this chance. I completely agree that sometimes, our callings might actually be right on our doorstep.
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