Saturday, July 21, 2012

seizing the day

"Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth." 

  --  Mark Twain 

this quote is a reminder;

to seize the day-
make the most of
each and every moment-
and to never put off
what you want to 
say or do-

may this weekend
be filled with joy for 
you and your loved ones.

take the opportunity
to show love
to others

and to just
 enjoy the ride!

my youngest daughter 
made this 
for us to try to do 
before her sister leaves
for austria!
we have been 'checking them off'
and will be doing
a few more today! :)

and then mine
hangs on our
fridge as well...
10 days left
we are trying to make
 every single
count! :)

be blessed!



Jen said...

Such great quotes~ And love the list! Why is it we get things done more when they are written down? Have a blessed few days before your sister leaves.

Unknown said...

@Jen, thank you for taking the time to leave a nice comment!
I must say though; it is my DAUGHTER, son in law and grandson who are leaving...I do not have a sister! HAHA-

Sweet Tea said...

Your lists are a great way to keep the days from slip-sliding away. Gotta make every moment count!

Plant Seeds of Happiness said...

Love the lists and pray that you ALL get as much loving in as possible with plenty of check marks off those lists so no regrets just lots of fun and laughter in your final days of them being there. Looking forward to the updates of their journey and yours "," blessings

Tammy Enjoy Life said...

Love the list.