have been in NY since friday-
they are there for a
mission training seminar
for two whole weeks,
before the big move to
vienna, austria
our grandson is here for the
first week and then the
other set of grandparents
will have him the final week.
he was sick for the first
few days with a stomach virus
and so it was pretty hard
for this granny.
i am not used to having
sick little ones and then
missing mommy & daddy
added to his misery & mine!
how hard it was for me
to hear him crying because
he didn't feel good and
ask for his mommy or daddy,
i felt so helpless.
he is feeling so much better!
amazing how fast little ones
can rebound, isn't it?
playing with vintage lionel trains
that were his gramps'
making a house under the dining table while
little miss olive keeps him company. ;)
he absolutely adores the
new little kitty,
little 'miss olive'
as the days go by
and the time for them
to all move away
draws nearer and nearer
i feel like i am holding my
i am torn
i believe in my
daughter and son in law
AND their call from our
loving and faithful Lord;
to go into the world and shine their light,
by becoming full time missionaries-
i really am SO VERY proud of them
proud that they can drop their nets.
that their faith is so strong
that they can sell pretty much everything they own,
because really they are only possessions
right? only earthly possessions...
they have heard the call
and are following and obeying!
but, as i look at my grandson
this week;
i feel a bit torn
like i need to hold on tight,
maybe even holding my breath a bit
and savoring as much as i
possibly can of that sweet little face
so this is where my
thoughts have been lately;
between the excitement
i know my daughter and son in law
are experiencing by moving
to not only another country
but, the excitement of completely
obeying the call
and then of course the
other side of the double edge
sword is that they are moving
VERY far away and not only
will i miss them very much
but most assuredly
i will miss that sweet little boy
who calls me 'granny'
philippians 1:3-4
I thank my God every time I remember you.
In all my prayers for all of you, I always
pray with joy...

"... and until we meet again, may God hold you in the hallow of his hand." Ah my dear friend, I will sit beside you while you weep and understand completely what you are going through..... my heart aches so much this week as the reality that once again so many many miles separate me from my precious kiddos. what is that saying about to be a mother (or a granny) is to wear your heart on the outside of your chest for forever!! much love, and hugs!
Big life changes in your world! My children have both moved away, although not as far as Austria. We don't have grandchildren, yet. I can only imagine what it's like to want to cheer and hold on tightly at the same time. May it be well with you...
(So good to *meet* you from JumpingTandem!)
Oh Melody, my heart goes out to you, because I know how much you will miss that gorgeous little boy (and your daughter and son in law as well of course). It's a pity that it's such a long way away, but I do pray that you will be able to visit them. I had looked after my eldest granddaughter since she was 7 months old, when her mummy returned to work, and when she was six, they moved to France, and I missed them terribly. I am so blessed to have Eli & Ruby living so close, and I pray that they never move far away. Try to keep shiny my friend, and I will remember you in my prayers. Hugs.
Oh, you brought me to tears with this one, Miss Melody. SO bittersweet, isn't it? But how blessed you are to have raised children who desire to serve the Lord :)
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog - much love to you :)
Beautiful photo of a very handsome boy!
I hope that all works out for your family and that you will not be too lonely without them.
Take care
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