rain comes down hard
on our metal roof...
i wake up slowly
to the pitter of the raindrops
with plans to drive to
the near by town
taking my daughter to lunch
& to get in a bit of
thrift shopping
with her
we lunch at olive garden,
do some shopping (yay!)
as i start for home
the sun starts to break through the
hazy, rain clouds...
making it appear misty.
i wind up meeting my husband
at the bookstore
for some coffee...
it has been a wonderful,
relaxing saturday~
for me comes in noticing
the little things-
i am ever
thankful and happy!
do you have plans
for the long weekend?
be blessed my friends~

Mister and I had a movie/dinner date.
Lots of cold rain here today.
Cozy date with a foot massage when we got home.
Spent the day with my two boys:) Thrifting tomorrow!
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