Thursday, December 15, 2011


an unplanned road trip
is where i am off to...
a quick post
before the long drive!

my college daughter
who will be moving to
portland to do part of
her interning was called
by the school district-
they want her come down
and meet the teacher...
interview and also meet
the kiddos she will be teaching
for the next few months.

i could NOT let her make this
long drive alone,
so her and i are leaving
in a few minutes...
driving there, interviewing
and coming right back!
a very long day...
but, a time to talk, talk
and talk some more with her!

i am getting close to
being done with my
shopping...a few more
little stocking things and
this lady will be done.

i have wrapped a few
of the gifts as they were
purchased and hoping
i will not have a marathon
wrapping experience again
this year...(yeah, who am i kidding?)

tell me, do you
wrap your gifts as you go
or do you save them all up
and then have a marathon?

have a lovely thursday,



Sweet Tea said...

I hope this long day/long drive turns into a fun outing. May you have "angels on your bumper" as yountravel.

I am totally a Marathon Wrapper - which is today for me.
I wrap, listen to Christmas music and sip cider as I wrap. It's one of my favorite parts of Christmas!

Thoughts for the day said...

I have a two day wrapping session. Yesterday I wrapped most of the gifts and today I will finish and then clean up the mess.
Ready for a tidy room.

Laurel said...

I am DONE with my shopping ... for hubby ... 12 kids ... 3 kid' spouses.

Packages in the mail to the 4 kids living across the country (to the tune of $80 postage. Yikes!).

I have always been a MARATHON wrapper ... staying up into the wee hours of Christmas Eve / Morning. But, I really do love it. Just me, a hot mocha, my tape & scissors, and Christmas music on the radio.

Hope you have a safe and talkative drive today.


Unknown said...

Have a lovely drive with your daughter melody-mae. Be safe.

Monica said...

It was less than a year ago, when I read your posting of 100 hundred followers, this morning, catching up on your blog, I couldn't believe it just took off like that...that's awesome! Your writings, fashion postings, mixed in with Christian way of life hopefully has directed more towards Christ through your postings. There is a lady at church who looks just like you, I swear I want to take a pic with my phone, just don't have enough guts, cause its rude, but she even dresses like you. I'm down in Oregon, ur a little ways further north, I tell myself, It can't be....every Sunday, he reminds me to check in with your blog. Merry Christmas!