i woke early
rolled over and opened
one eye
and peeked...
and yes, it was back
the sun was back!
right now
i sit here
coffee at my side
the sun shining gloriously
birds singing happily,
i feel like running out there
and joining them...
oh yes, i do love the sun!
this ol' granny
woke this morning with
a stiff neck and shoulders
i believe it was from
packing a nine month old grandbabe
around all day yesterday?! LOL
now tonight, two of my daughters, a son in law and a niece
are heading to portland, oregon
which is a 5 hour drive...
they are going to see Leeland in concert (oh, how i love leeland!)
so i will be having my 2 year old grandson
all weekend long...they are staying at their auntie's house-
i am hoping the sun stays out
so we can maybe do a trip to the park and a walk...
or a treasure hunt (thanks Rebecca for the idea)
whatever is in store it will be made extra special
because i will have a sweet little guy here
who calls me 'guh-anny'
and who makes my heart melt
even just to look at his little face
brings me such joy & happiness
he says the cutest things
it is a blast to watch these two cousins grow!
i am blessed to live near by
both daughters who have these little ones
so i can bond and truly get to know them
sure, sometimes at the end of the day
i can hardly keep my eyes open
because, i am exhausted
but, man oh man it is a blessing for sure!
i am truly blessed and yes,
you can bet that i am thankful
if any of you know have been around this
blog for any amount of time
you know i am a two time breast cancer survivor
when i was diagnosed i prayed for healing
and that i would be able to watch
my girls graduate from high school
get married and have little ones...
i am here to tell you God is good
my prayers were answered...
when my daughter handed over
my grandson to me in the hospital
i could not help but cry,
tears swelled up and fell
overflowing tears of joy
not only because this little precious face
that was before me,
but because i was filled to the point
of bursting
with praise and thankfulness
to God...for healing me
for listening to my pleas & cries for help
and for never leaving my side
i am one truly thankful wife/momma /granny!
i am so close to the end now of my remix challenge
the last day is the 18th so yes, i am almost near the
finish line-
here is what today looks like;
demin skirt, navy cardi, and just a grey tank underneath, gold flats, silky scarf and a necklace that says; faith, hope & love!
may you have an awesome friday
go shine your light, be shiny
be that sunbeam...let your love
shine through
be w.o.n.d.e.r.f.u.l.
and may you be blessed on this day-

Love your style! Love your writing. Love the scarf!
Take your candle and go light your world... I was thinking of that Kathy Triccoli song as I read your post. But today we won't need a candle because we have sunshine outside and Sonshine in our hearts! This friend is doubly blessed that God has healed you and allowed you to be here to bless others-- including me. Have a beautiful day my dear!
Your post just made me smile! I love how positive and thankful you are. Makes me think about what I am thankful for too.
And, if I haven't told you enough, you are one fashionable (grandma) lady :) Love it!
I mentioned you here:
Thanks and link up this week. :)
Your post made me smile and made the Son shine even brighter for me today. The other sun is shining and that also is brighter. Thank you!
What precious words. I totally agree....there is absolutely NOTHING in the world like GRANDS!!! We have two little boys and they visited me today for a little while. As the oldest buckled himself into his car seat, he looked up and said "I love you"!!! I understand about those melting hearts!!! HOPE you have a great weekend!
Oh my goodness, you are such a sweet, gracious person. What a loving mother and grandma those girls and their babes have! I'm sure they cherish you as much as you cherish them.
There is nothing better than the sunshine and grand babies unless you have them both in the same spot that is...:)
I found you through Fantastic Friday and your post just made mine that much more frantastic. :)
Aw, it sounds like you're going to have a beautiful weekend! Enjoy yourself (as if I'd have to tell you to :)). Oh, and as usual you look absolutely adorable. That skirt and those shoes are so cute!!!
I can hardly wait to be a granny.
We had our first family wedding in December, and are planning 2 more for July. (yes ... 3 weddings in 8 months, with the high probability of 1 more). So, can't wait until my daughters and daughter-in-loves start makin' babies. :)
Let's see ... with 12 children, how many grandbabies do you think I'll have???
Laurel :)
Sounds like a fun filled weekend with those babies. Melody Mae is going to be blessed over the top with wonderful granny memories.
Another precious post! I love your writing and always look forward to reading your posts. I am so happy that you are now well again and I pray that this will continue.
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