Wednesday, April 27, 2011

the rain came down

the rain keeps
pittering on the roof
everything is
soggy and wet

the clouds
all grey and stormy
the weather damp and cold

the sun is hiding
not wanting
to even peek
out and show
his face

the fireplace
is warm, cozy
i am drawn to
the chair
in front of it...
to make some tea
and curl up
book in hand
and let the
sound of the
lull me into
a blissful much
needed nap

the rain keeps falling
my tulips are confused
is it spring yet?
they are ready
to show us their beauty
if only the
sun would stay
coaxing them out of
their buds

the rain comes down...


Empty Nester said...

We've been having a good bit of rain as well- but still quite warm. We're expecting some storms tonight into tomorrow...that is IF the weather dude is right this time. LOL

Ms. Becky said...

hang in there Melody-Mae. it's not much better in my corner of the world. cold rains, gray skies. but there are some signs that spring is on its way. its just taking awhile this year! curling up by the fire with a good book sounds divine.

Southhamsdarling said...

Curling up by the fire sounds the best place to be for you right now! We have been so blessed here for the past three weeks - blue skies and sunshine every day, which is MOST unusual, believe me. The garden is looking lovely at the moment. Anyway, I hope that you will get some well deserved sunshine very soon. Hugs.

Breathing In Grace said...

I love your poetry!!! It's soggy here, too. We had some terrible storms last night and was without power for 2.5 it's cool and cloudy!!! Perfect reading/sleeping weather!!!

Anonymous said...

Hang in there...this crazy weather can't keep up forever. Sooner or later the sun has to come out and shine brightly on us all.

songbyrdonthemountain said...

Sat and watched the rain all afternoon yesterday with my mom. Glad to not have to be out in it... Yes, I would love for Mr Sun to come back and stay awhile!! Thanks for your sunshiny posts however; you make a difference!

Sally said...

I must admit I envy your rain. We are too dry although I won't complain that the sun shines everyday. We would take just a bit of your rain, though.

Katie @ Chicken Noodle Gravy said...

Another adorable poem! Thanks for sharing :)