Wednesday, November 17, 2010

17th day

today it is raining and blustery here in the Pacific Northwest...the weather man says it is going to be cold this weekend.
I am thankful for a warm home, for a place to come into out of the nasty weather. My sanctuary from the storms...I could stay
bundle up in this house with the fireplace going and all would be good! :)
I am thankful for the home my husband and I created with love, for our 3 daughters...who although all three are grown and have either moved on to college or have their own home and  husbands, still love to come and visit 'home'
For my grandson, 'the boy'... today I took him out in the "big rain, Granny", so we could go and listen to toddler story time at the library.
I am thankful and just plain, 'In Love' with my grandsons. Thankful to be here to watch them grow into friends and cousins...

All is well, let the wind and rain come...I am safe and warm in my home now. Thankful.
So how about you, what today has made you smile? thankful?

Wordish Wednesday


amanda {the habit of being} said...

sounds like a lovely day and yes, you have very much to be thankful for!

today i smiled when i picked up my 2yo and he put his head on my shoulder and said, "mama." he doesn't speak a lot so hearing him say "mama" just melts my heart.

Thoughts for the day said...

It is a blustery wet and cold day for sure in the Pacific Northwest... the thing I need now is a fire in the fireplace.

Anonymous said...

Hi! I live on Whidbey Island. Wow. The wind has been incredible. Will it snow? The weathermen say that's a possibility. We'll see. Ah, November in the PNW-- always stormy! That we can count on :)